Trial Support

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Our services extend beyond traditional support

to include state-of-the-art crime scene reconstruction. Utilizing the latest in digital technology, we provide highly detailed and accurate crime scene diagrams and videos. These reconstructions are invaluable in offering juries and judges a clear, precise visual understanding of the events in question.

In addition to our advanced reconstruction capabilities, we specialize in:

  • Compelling Presentation Design: Crafting visually engaging and informative presentations to effectively communicate complex information.
  • In-depth Web Research: Utilizing advanced research techniques to gather critical information and data.
  • Evidence Synthesis and Analysis: Merging traditional investigative methods with digital forensics to present a comprehensive picture.

Expert Witness Vetting and Selection:

We can help vet and select expert witnesses by evaluating their qualifications, experience, and credibility, ensuring you have the most reliable and effective experts supporting your case.

Trial Venue and Courtroom Logistics:

NJPI Agency can handle trial venue and courtroom logistics, including scheduling, coordination with court staff, and managing equipment setup, allowing you to focus on your case.

Demonstrative Trial Exhibits:

We specialize in creating dynamic and interactive trial exhibits, including 3D models, simulations, and virtual reality presentations, that vividly illustrate complex concepts and evidence to the judge and jury.

Jury Research and Profiling:

We conduct comprehensive jury research and profiling to gain insights into potential jurors' backgrounds, attitudes, and biases, enabling you to develop effective voir dire strategies and tailor your arguments accordingly.

Trial Theme Development:

We work closely with attorneys to develop compelling trial themes that resonate with the judge and jury, providing a coherent narrative that supports your case and strengthens your arguments.

Witness testifying at the stand in federal court, judge watching

Witness Authentication

We verify the authenticity and credibility of witnesses by conducting thorough background investigations, including checking their past testimonies, criminal records, or personal histories.

Jury Selection Assistance:

NJPI Agency can assist in the jury selection process by conducting background research on potential jurors, identifying biases, and providing valuable insights to help you make informed decisions during jury selection.

Mock Trial Preparation:

Prepare for trial with a mock trial conducted by NJPI Agency. We simulate courtroom scenarios, allowing you to test your case, refine your arguments, and assess the effectiveness of your trial strategy.

Side profile of a witness and a lawyer on the witness stand, with the judge listening

Trial Witness Preparation:

Our experienced team can assist in preparing witnesses for trial testimony, helping them feel more confident and ensuring they effectively convey their knowledge and expertise in a clear and compelling manner.

Document Organization and Management:

NJPI Agency offers document organization and management services, ensuring that all trial-related documents are properly organized, indexed, and easily accessible for quick reference during trial proceedings.

Exhibits and Visual Aids Preparation:

Create impactful exhibits and visual aids with the assistance of NJPI Agency. We design and prepare exhibits that effectively communicate complex information to the judge and jury, enhancing their understanding and retention of key facts.

Trial Transcription Services:

NJPI Agency provides accurate and reliable trial transcription services, transforming trial proceedings into a written record for future reference, analysis, and preparation for appeals, if necessary.

Courtroom Observations:

Engage NJPI Agency to conduct courtroom observations, where our experienced professionals observe the trial proceedings, take notes, and provide valuable feedback on courtroom dynamics, juror reactions, and opposing counsel strategies.

Expert Testimony Support:

If you need expert witnesses to testify at trial, NJPI Agency can assist in preparing them for their testimony, ensuring they are well-prepared, articulate, and able to effectively communicate complex concepts to the judge and jury.

Trial Strategy Analysis:

Work closely with our team to analyze your trial strategy, identify strengths and weaknesses, and refine your approach to maximize your chances of success in the courtroom.

Trial Graphics and Animations:

NJPI Agency offers the creation of trial graphics and animations that visually depict key evidence, timelines, or processes, helping to simplify complex information and make it more accessible to the judge and jury.

Demonstrative Presentations:

Enhance your trial presentations with the assistance of NJPI Agency. We help you create compelling and persuasive presentations that engage and captivate the judge and jury, effectively conveying your arguments.

Deposition Summaries and Analysis:

Our team can provide comprehensive summaries and analysis of deposition transcripts, highlighting key points, identifying inconsistencies, and extracting valuable information to strengthen your case.

Demonstrative Presentations:

Enhance your trial presentations with the assistance of NJPI Agency. We help you create compelling and persuasive presentations that engage and captivate the judge and jury, effectively conveying your arguments.

Deposition Summaries and Analysis:

Our team can provide comprehensive summaries and analysis of deposition transcripts, highlighting key points, identifying inconsistencies, and extracting valuable information to strengthen your case.

Trial Research and Legal Briefing:

Rely on NJPI Agency to conduct in-depth legal research on relevant case precedents, statutes, and regulations, providing you with comprehensive legal briefings that support your arguments and help you navigate complex legal issues.

Trial Support Staff Coordination:

We can coordinate and manage trial support staff, including court reporters, interpreters, videographers, and administrative assistants, ensuring seamless support during trial proceedings.

Trial Venue Security Assessment:

NJPI Agency can conduct a security assessment of the trial venue, identifying potential vulnerabilities and recommending measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all parties involved.

Voir Dire Assistance:

Receive assistance during the voir dire process with NJPI Agency's expertise. We can help you strategize and develop effective questioning techniques to uncover potential biases and select impartial jurors.

Trial Monitoring and Updates:

Stay informed about trial progress with NJPI Agency's trial monitoring and update services. We provide real-time updates on courtroom developments, witness testimonies, and critical events to keep you informed and prepared.

Witness Credibility Assessment:

Our experienced investigators can assess the credibility of opposing witnesses, uncovering any inconsistencies, biases, or potential weaknesses that can be effectively used to challenge their testimony.

Opening and Closing Statements:

Get assistance in crafting powerful opening and closing statements that effectively present your case's narrative, establish credibility, and persuade the judge and jury to rule in your favor.

Appellate Support:

NJPI Agency provides appellate support services, assisting with post-trial motions, brief writing, legal research, and strategic analysis to help you pursue or defend against appeals.

Trial Public Relations:

We can provide guidance and support in managing the public relations aspect of high-profile trials, helping you navigate media inquiries, protect your client's reputation, and shape public perception.

Courtroom Monitoring and Security:

NJPI Agency offers courtroom monitoring and security services, ensuring a safe and secure environment during trial proceedings and promptly addressing any security concerns that may arise.

Trial Witness Coordination:

Our team coordinates the scheduling and logistics of witness appearances, ensuring their timely arrival and smooth transition into the courtroom, minimizing disruptions to trial proceedings.

Trial Budgeting and Expense Management:

We assist attorneys in effectively managing trial budgets, providing cost estimates, and optimizing trial-related expenses to achieve cost-efficiency without compromising quality.

Trial Mediation and Negotiation Support:

If mediation or negotiation becomes part of the trial process, NJPI Agency can provide support by conducting mediation research, assisting with negotiation strategies, and facilitating communication between parties.

Trial Graphics and Animations:

NJPI Agency offers the creation of trial graphics and animations that visually depict key evidence, timelines, or processes, helping to simplify complex information and make it more accessible to the judge and jury.

Demonstrative Presentations:

Enhance your trial presentations with the assistance of NJPI Agency. We help you create compelling and persuasive presentations that engage and captivate the judge and jury, effectively conveying your arguments.

Deposition Summaries and Analysis:

Our team can provide comprehensive summaries and analysis of deposition transcripts, highlighting key points, identifying inconsistencies, and extracting valuable information to strengthen your case.

Trial Research and Legal Briefing:

Rely on NJPI Agency to conduct in-depth legal research on relevant case precedents, statutes, and regulations, providing you with comprehensive legal briefings that support your arguments and help you navigate complex legal issues.

Trial Support Staff Coordination:

We can coordinate and manage trial support staff, including court reporters, interpreters, videographers, and administrative assistants, ensuring seamless support during trial proceedings.

Trial Jury Communication Analysis:

Our team can analyze jury behavior and communication during trial proceedings, providing valuable insights into their reactions, comprehension, and engagement with the presented evidence.

Evidentiary Support and Document Authentication:

We assist in gathering and authenticating evidentiary documents, ensuring their admissibility in court and providing comprehensive support for your arguments and claims.

Trial Data Analysis:

Utilizing advanced data analysis techniques, NJPI Agency can analyze large volumes of trial data, including witness statements, depositions, or expert reports, to identify patterns, trends, or discrepancies that may impact the case.

Trial Emotional Intelligence Coaching:

We offer emotional intelligence coaching for attorneys, witnesses, or key trial participants, helping them effectively manage emotions and present themselves with confidence, credibility, and composure during trial proceedings.

Post-Trial Investigation:

If there is a need for further investigation post-trial, we can conduct in-depth investigations to uncover new evidence, interview witnesses, or verify facts that may be crucial for appeals or future legal actions.

Transportation Services:

NJPI Agency offers reliable and secure transportation services for witnesses, ensuring their safe and timely arrival at the trial venue. Our transportation specialists coordinate logistics, arrange for appropriate vehicles, and handle all necessary arrangements, allowing witnesses to focus on their testimony without the worry of transportation logistics.

Witness Coaching and Preparation:

NJPI Agency provides comprehensive witness coaching and preparation services. Our experienced team works closely with witnesses to help them understand the trial process, build confidence, and effectively communicate their testimonies. We provide guidance on courtroom demeanor, answering challenging questions, and delivering clear and persuasive responses.

Client Submitting Documents to a Legal Advisor

At NJPI Agency, we are dedicated to providing attorneys with top-notch trial support services. Contact us at (732) 788-NJPI (6574) to discuss your specific trial support needs or visit our website at for more information on our services.

Courtroom Technology Setup and Support:

NJPI Agency offers comprehensive courtroom technology setup and support services. From audiovisual equipment installation and troubleshooting to managing trial presentation software, our technicians ensure that your courtroom technology runs seamlessly throughout the trial.

Partner Lawyers or Attorneys Discussing a Contract Agreement. Su

(732) 788-NJPI (6574)


Offices located in Eatontown and Keyport NJ

mailing address: 135 Maple Avenue

Eatontown, NJ 07724

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Discover More with NJPI's Comprehensive Investigative Services

Searching for a robust investigative platform that encompasses all-encompassing data access, powerful investigative tools, user-friendly interfaces, and unwavering commitment to legal compliance? Look no further than NJPI, your trusted partner in providing comprehensive investigative support.

At NJPI, we understand the necessity of complete and accurate information in the world of private investigations. Our service offers access to an extensive database of billions of records covering a wide range of categories. Whether you need personal, professional, or legal information, NJPI ensures you have the most detailed picture possible during your investigations.